1- TERRESTRES: Vaso com terra misturada com areia e material organico e pedras no fundo para
drenagem. |
1- TRUE TERRESTRIAL: Plant it in a pot, with a soil based substratum , or other free
draining medium. |
2- HUMICOLAS: Terra misturada com folhas secas e humus, com pedras no fundo para drenagem. |
2- HUMUS LOVING: Soil, mixed with humus and dried leaves , or other free draining medium. |
3- ALTA UMIDADE: Vaso com xaxim desfibrado misturado com sphagum, ou puro sphagnum e pedras no fundo
para drenagem. |
3- HIGH HUMIDITY: Plant it in a pot, with shredded tree fern fiber and sphagnum
moss, or sphagnum moss alone. |
4- EPIFITAS : Vaso com xaxim desfibrado misturado com folhas secas, podendo acrescentar um pouco de sphagnum e pedras no fundo para drenagem. |
Plant it in a pot, with shredded tree fern fiber and dried leaves you can also add some sphagnum moss, or other free draining medium for epiphytes. |
5- SOLO ARENOSO: Vaso com humus e areia grossa em partes iguais, a drenagem deve ser
perfeita. |
5 - SANDY SOIL: Plant it in a pot, with 1 part of humus and 1 of coarse sand. The drainage must be perfect. |
6 - ARBUSTOS Vaso grande com solo e material organico, e pedras no fundo para
6 - SHRUBS: Plant it in a big pot, with soil and organic material, put stones or similar material at the botton, for drainage