Mandirola ichthyostoma (Gardner) Roalson & Boggan



Habitat: Goiás e Mato Grosso

Tamanho da Planta : 30 cm
Tamanho da Flor : 4 cm
Clima: Moderado

Cresce entre pedras, nas serras



Grau de dificuldade : difícil

Planta com rizomas,

Requer boa drenagem, muita luz e pouquíssima água no período de repouso

Sugestão de substrato: 6

ver detalhes

Habitat: Goias e Mato Grosso

Plant Size: 30 cm high
Flower size: 4 cm
Climate: Intermediate

Grows among rocks in the mountains.



Degree of difficulty: Difficult

Rhizomatous plants, needs good drainage and a bright spot
Give it very little water when dormant.

Substratum suggestion:

see details

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